10 dagen van mondiaal gebed voor Israël (19-28 mei 2024)

Day-1: Pray for Peace (5/19)

Biddend voor de bescherming en vrede van de Heer over Jeruzalem (Psalmen 122:6, Jesaja 40:1-2)

(Click!) [Marty Waldman] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Shalom everyone. Welcome to this 10 days of prayer focused on Israel and the Jewish people. I’m Marty Waldman, and I would like to help us focus today’s prayer on the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel. It comes from Psalm 122, which is a song of ascents written by King David. We read, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: Shaalu Shalom Yerushalayim. May they prosper who love you. May peace be within your walls and prosperity within your palaces. For the sake of my brothers and my friends, I will now say, may peace, may Shalom, be within you. For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.”

So let’s pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The word peace here is Shalom, which many of you are familiar with. Shalom is a much more inclusive word than just peace or just the absence of war. It includes well-being and prosperity. We want to pray for the well-being, prosperity, peace, and absence of war for Jerusalem, for all of Israel, and for the Jewish people around the world.

I want to also include a prayer from Isaiah chapter 40 as part of our focus. This is chapter 40, verse 1: “Comfort, O comfort my people, Nahamu Ami,” says your God. “Speak kindly to Jerusalem and call out to her that her warfare has ended.” Let’s pray that prophetically today, that her iniquity has been covered and removed. Let’s pray again prophetically for this. Many Jewish people have already come to know Yeshua, like myself, as the King of Kings and the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. But let’s pray prophetically for what Paul prays for, that all of Israel shall be saved, that she has received of the Lord’s hand double for all of her sins.

So Lord, we just pray right now. We pray in Yeshua’s name, in the name of our Messiah Jesus, and we ask you, Lord, to remember your covenant people, Israel. The people who are called by your name, the people whom you call the apple of your eye. We ask you, Lord, for peace, welfare, prosperity, the absence of war, and strengthening for the people of Israel and for the Jewish people around the world. We pray for the destruction and the diminishing of anti-Semitism, which has risen exponentially around the world, and we ask you, Lord, to arise. O Lord, let your enemies be scattered. We pray in Yeshua’s name, in the name of Jesus our Messiah. Amen.

God bless you, and please continue to pray with me today for the peace of Jerusalem and the comfort for all of Israel and the Jewish people. Thank you.

(Click!) [Francis Chan] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Thank you so much for taking time to pray for Israel. It’s so easy in our lives to compartmentalize things, and you know, we can be trying to figure out where to eat and forget that there’s a war going on, forget that there are still hostages, forget that there are people suffering, or parents whose children are in this war.

And on a more eternal scale, to realize that there are people who are dying and coming into the presence of Almighty God apart from the forgiveness of Christ. So we need to pray for peace in Jerusalem, peace in Israel. Pray that God would end this war. It says in Psalm 122, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May they be secure who love you! Peace be within your walls and security within your towers! For my brothers’ and companions’ sake I will say, ‘Peace be within you!'” Please, in faith, come before God right now, believing that Almighty Sovereign God could end this and bring peace to this nation.

(Marty Waldman, secretaris-generaal@TJCII / Robert Morris, senior pastor@Gateway Church)

Gebedsfocus gedurende 10 dagen

Biddend voor de bescherming en vrede van de Heer over Jeruzalem (Psalmen 122:6, Jesaja 40:1-2)

(Click!) [Marty Waldman] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Shalom everyone. Welcome to this 10 days of prayer focused on Israel and the Jewish people. I’m Marty Waldman, and I would like to help us focus today’s prayer on the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel. It comes from Psalm 122, which is a song of ascents written by King David. We read, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: Shaalu Shalom Yerushalayim. May they prosper who love you. May peace be within your walls and prosperity within your palaces. For the sake of my brothers and my friends, I will now say, may peace, may Shalom, be within you. For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.”

So let’s pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The word peace here is Shalom, which many of you are familiar with. Shalom is a much more inclusive word than just peace or just the absence of war. It includes well-being and prosperity. We want to pray for the well-being, prosperity, peace, and absence of war for Jerusalem, for all of Israel, and for the Jewish people around the world.

I want to also include a prayer from Isaiah chapter 40 as part of our focus. This is chapter 40, verse 1: “Comfort, O comfort my people, Nahamu Ami,” says your God. “Speak kindly to Jerusalem and call out to her that her warfare has ended.” Let’s pray that prophetically today, that her iniquity has been covered and removed. Let’s pray again prophetically for this. Many Jewish people have already come to know Yeshua, like myself, as the King of Kings and the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. But let’s pray prophetically for what Paul prays for, that all of Israel shall be saved, that she has received of the Lord’s hand double for all of her sins.

So Lord, we just pray right now. We pray in Yeshua’s name, in the name of our Messiah Jesus, and we ask you, Lord, to remember your covenant people, Israel. The people who are called by your name, the people whom you call the apple of your eye. We ask you, Lord, for peace, welfare, prosperity, the absence of war, and strengthening for the people of Israel and for the Jewish people around the world. We pray for the destruction and the diminishing of anti-Semitism, which has risen exponentially around the world, and we ask you, Lord, to arise. O Lord, let your enemies be scattered. We pray in Yeshua’s name, in the name of Jesus our Messiah. Amen.

God bless you, and please continue to pray with me today for the peace of Jerusalem and the comfort for all of Israel and the Jewish people. Thank you.

(Click!) [Francis Chan] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Thank you so much for taking time to pray for Israel. It’s so easy in our lives to compartmentalize things, and you know, we can be trying to figure out where to eat and forget that there’s a war going on, forget that there are still hostages, forget that there are people suffering, or parents whose children are in this war.

And on a more eternal scale, to realize that there are people who are dying and coming into the presence of Almighty God apart from the forgiveness of Christ. So we need to pray for peace in Jerusalem, peace in Israel. Pray that God would end this war. It says in Psalm 122, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May they be secure who love you! Peace be within your walls and security within your towers! For my brothers’ and companions’ sake I will say, ‘Peace be within you!'” Please, in faith, come before God right now, believing that Almighty Sovereign God could end this and bring peace to this nation.

Bidden voor bescherming en bevrijding voor Joodse mensen in Amerika, Europa en over de hele wereld, terwijl ze nog steeds worden geïntimideerd, vervolgd en lastiggevallen (Efeziërs 1:17-20, Romeinen 10:1)

Bid dat diverse leiders die Joden, Arabieren (christenen en moslims) en andere minderheden in Israël vertegenwoordigen, leiding zullen geven met gerechtigheid en wijsheid, gebaseerd op de instructies van de God van Israël (Spreuken 21:1, Fil. 2:3)

Biddend voor ontwaking onder kerken over de hele wereld met betrekking tot Gods liefde voor en doeleinden voor Israël (Romeinen 9-11, vooral Romeinen 11:25-30)

Bid dat de kerk de stem zal zijn (niet zal zwijgen) in het licht van het antisemitisme en dat de christenen bevrijd zullen worden van angst en intimidatie, zodat ze achter het Joodse volk kunnen staan (Spreuken 24:11-12; Spreuken 28:1; Mattheüs 10:28; Lukas 9:23-25)

Gebed voor de Kerk om bevrijd te worden van anti-Joodse theologie en praktijken. Paulus schreef: “Wees niet arrogant tegenover de natuurlijke takken (Israël, Joden) omdat zij de wortel zijn die de heidenen, de Kerk, ondersteunt.” (Romeinen 11:17-20)

Bid voor de terugkeer van het Joodse volk naar het Land Israël en het herstel van het Joodse volk naar de Messias van Israël, Jezus (Ezechiël 36, Romeinen 11:21-24)

Bid om een geest van overtuiging en berouw in Israël, zodat Joodse en Arabische burgers zich kunnen afkeren van hun zondige wegen en in gerechtigheid met God en elkaar kunnen wandelen (Johannes 16:7-8; Efeziërs 4:32; 1 Johannes 1:9; Mattheüs 3:1-2)

Bid en profeteer voor een herstelde relatie tussen het Joodse en Arabische volk als een liefdevolle relatie met deze twee ‘broeders’, zodat zij in eenheid samen zullen komen om de God van Israël te aanbidden (Genesis 25:12-18; Jesaja 19)

Bid dat de nieuwe barmhartigheden van God over het Joodse volk en uiteindelijk over alle naties zullen worden uitgestort (Romeinen 10:1; Romeinen 11:28-32; Ezechiël 36:24-28; Romeinen 11:12; Habakuk 2:14)

