10 Days of Global Prayer for Israel (May 19-28, 2024)

(Click!) [Marty Waldman] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Shalom. Dear family of Faith. This is Marty Waldman, General Secretary of Toward Jerusalem Council II. I want to encourage you to participate with me and a number of others actually thousands of others. Both Christians and Messianic Jews in a time of prayer for Israel and the Jewish people around the world starting on Pentecost Sunday which is May 19th, and going for 10 days to May 28th.

We will be praying, some will be fasting. So you can pray for every day all day 10 days. Or you can pray for an hour each day for 10 days. You can pray for 10 minutes a day for 10 days. But please join us in prayer during this critical moment in history especially Israel’s history and the history of the Jewish people. Both of my parents were Holocaust Survivors. So I recall just automatically back to 1938 and “Kristallnacht” which was a turning point, “the night of broken glass” in Germany, a turning point for the Jewish community in all of Europe. After the 1938 event where 7,500 stores were vandalized hundreds and hundreds of Jewish people were arrested.

Many were a number of them were killed and even committed suicide. This happened before the concentration camps or the death camps were enacted. So now I recall back to that. As a believer in Yeshua, I have hope. I have hope in the Lord. I have hope in prayer. And I’m praying that you will join us and not commit a sin which some people call the greatest sin of the church in the 1930s and 40s and that sin was silence. Just as Isaiah says “I will not be silent until you make Jerusalem a praise in all the Earth.” So friends, I’m asking you to knock on Heaven’s Door. And if the Lord leads you to speak or write anything more public than that that’s great too. But in the meantime, please join us in this significant 10 days of praying and listening to God. And praying for security not just of Israel and the Jewish people but ultimately of the world against the evil that has arisen in these last days. So God bless you, join us please.

And we’ll pray with one heart to one God and our Messiah Yeshua Jesus. Thank you and God bless. God bless you, and please continue to pray with me today for the peace of Jerusalem and the comfort for all of Israel and the Jewish people. Thank you.

Prayer Focuses for 10 Days

Praying for the Lord’s protection and peace over Jerusalem (Psalms 122:6, Isaiah 40:1-2)

(Click!) [Marty Waldman] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Shalom everyone. Welcome to this 10 days of prayer focused on Israel and the Jewish people. I’m Marty Waldman, and I would like to help us focus today’s prayer on the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel. It comes from Psalm 122, which is a song of ascents written by King David. We read, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: Shaalu Shalom Yerushalayim. May they prosper who love you. May peace be within your walls and prosperity within your palaces. For the sake of my brothers and my friends, I will now say, may peace, may Shalom, be within you. For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.”

So let’s pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The word peace here is Shalom, which many of you are familiar with. Shalom is a much more inclusive word than just peace or just the absence of war. It includes well-being and prosperity. We want to pray for the well-being, prosperity, peace, and absence of war for Jerusalem, for all of Israel, and for the Jewish people around the world.

I want to also include a prayer from Isaiah chapter 40 as part of our focus. This is chapter 40, verse 1: “Comfort, O comfort my people, Nahamu Ami,” says your God. “Speak kindly to Jerusalem and call out to her that her warfare has ended.” Let’s pray that prophetically today, that her iniquity has been covered and removed. Let’s pray again prophetically for this. Many Jewish people have already come to know Yeshua, like myself, as the King of Kings and the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. But let’s pray prophetically for what Paul prays for, that all of Israel shall be saved, that she has received of the Lord’s hand double for all of her sins.

So Lord, we just pray right now. We pray in Yeshua’s name, in the name of our Messiah Jesus, and we ask you, Lord, to remember your covenant people, Israel. The people who are called by your name, the people whom you call the apple of your eye. We ask you, Lord, for peace, welfare, prosperity, the absence of war, and strengthening for the people of Israel and for the Jewish people around the world. We pray for the destruction and the diminishing of anti-Semitism, which has risen exponentially around the world, and we ask you, Lord, to arise. O Lord, let your enemies be scattered. We pray in Yeshua’s name, in the name of Jesus our Messiah. Amen.

God bless you, and please continue to pray with me today for the peace of Jerusalem and the comfort for all of Israel and the Jewish people. Thank you.

(Click!) [Francis Chan] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Thank you so much for taking time to pray for Israel. It’s so easy in our lives to compartmentalize things, and you know, we can be trying to figure out where to eat and forget that there’s a war going on, forget that there are still hostages, forget that there are people suffering, or parents whose children are in this war.

And on a more eternal scale, to realize that there are people who are dying and coming into the presence of Almighty God apart from the forgiveness of Christ. So we need to pray for peace in Jerusalem, peace in Israel. Pray that God would end this war. It says in Psalm 122, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May they be secure who love you! Peace be within your walls and security within your towers! For my brothers’ and companions’ sake I will say, ‘Peace be within you!'” Please, in faith, come before God right now, believing that Almighty Sovereign God could end this and bring peace to this nation.

Praying for protection and deliverance for Jewish people in America, Europe, and all over the world as they continue to be intimidated, persecuted, and harassed (Ephesians 1:17-20, Romans 10:1)

(Click!) [Michael Brown] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Let’s pray right now for Jewish people worldwide outside of the land of Israel.

Father, I come to you as a Jewish person myself. I cry out to you on behalf of my people scattered around the world. Father, many feel great uncertainty. Many feel the hostility of the nations. Many wonder if another Holocaust is coming. Many are realizing that the anti-Semitism on the left is even worse than the anti-Semitism on the right. Many in America, in particular, are seeing foundations they trusted in crumbling.

I pray, Father, that you would use this time to open their hearts and minds. I pray that the pressure of the hour would drive them to their knees, that the fear, that the hatred, would drive them to cry out to you, the only one who can save. I ask you to open their hearts and minds to recognize Jesus, Yeshua, as Messiah and Lord. May prejudices and misunderstandings be overcome. In accordance with Zechariah 12:10, pour out on them a spirit of grace and supplication that they would look to the one they have pierced. May they recognize that Jesus, Yeshua, understands their sufferings better than anyone. He knows what it is to be outcast, he knows what it is to be hated, he knows what it is to be rejected and to die.

I pray, oh God, that Jewish people around the world would find a place of solidarity in Him and would cry out to you. That religious Jews would recognize that their tradition cannot save, that secular Jews would recognize the bankruptcy of their ways and the emptiness of the things they have trusted in. Oh God, save my people Israel and protect them from every evil attack, not because of our goodness but because of your goodness, not because of our faithfulness but because of your faithfulness. You said that we would be scattered in the nations but that you would preserve us in the nations even under discipline.

I ask you to remember the tenderness of a father towards your son. You said of Israel, “Israel is my son, my firstborn.” Oh God, may your tender love for a firstborn son be felt again. May your affection for Israel, even in our sin and our unbelief, be felt deeply. Oh God, protect us from every evil device of the enemy. And as the Prophet Jeremiah led in prayer for his people, saying, “Here we are, we have come,” I say those words as well prophetically on behalf of my people, the lost sheep of the House of Israel. “Here we are, we have come.” Behold, Lord, we come. Save us, touch us, forgive us, cleanse us. May it be so, and burden your church worldwide to pray like never before for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. In the name of Jesus, Yeshua, amen.

(Click!) [Pierre Bezençon] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Greetings. You are all loved by God the Father. My name is Pierre Bezençon, and I’m the author of “The Heart Of God for Israel,” a 21-day devotional. I have been praying for the Jewish people for over 20 years. Today, our topic is Jewish people outside of Israel. Seven million Jews live in Israel, and about 8.3 million live outside of Israel. Six million are in America, and the rest are mainly in Canada, Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Argentina.

The scripture for today is Romans 10:1: “Brothers, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.” The Apostle Paul has one desire, one prayer, that the sons of Israel will be saved. The Apostle’s desire reflects the desire of God the Father, who sent His only Son, Yeshua, His precious Son, to save the lost sheep of the House of Israel and then, of course, the lost sheep of the nations. Paul has received an impartation of this love, this passion that is in God’s heart, ready to sacrifice the most precious for the salvation of others. One chapter earlier, in Romans 9, the Apostle Paul wrote that he would be willing to be separated from Messiah, the most precious in his life, if it could bring salvation to the sons of Israel. Yeshua, like Paul, has given the most precious to release salvation to His brothers.

Paul was consumed with the zeal of God for His people. He had touched the intensity of the Father’s heart for Israel, and he had one desire and one prayer: that they may be saved. Paul shared his deep desire with his brothers. He said, “Brothers, you who are close to me, you who are my family, I want you to know I have this desire, I have this burden, I have this prayer that they will be saved.” It’s like Yeshua wants also to share with us His desire for His brothers and sisters in the natural, the Jewish people. He wants us to feel His desire for them to be saved. Like Paul, who is Jewish, Jesus is Jewish, and He wants His people to be saved.

For us, when we pray for our unsaved family members, it’s very personal. It’s very personal for Paul, and it’s very personal for Yeshua because they love them. They love the Jewish people so dearly; they want them to be saved, like our family members.

Let’s pray. Father, we thank you for your heart to save the Jewish people wherever they are outside of Israel. Father, we thank you for the passion in your heart to see the salvation of the sons of Israel. Father, we pray that you will impart this passion like you shared it with the Apostle Paul. Share it with your church, that we will be pushed out to share the gospel, to share the love that we have, and that we will be ready to risk our lives to protect and defend Jewish people and to share this love so big, so great that Yeshua has for them all. Father, we pray that believers will share with their Jewish friends, with their business partners, that they will share the love of Yeshua for them. We pray in the name of Yeshua. Amen.

Pray for diverse leaders who represent Jews, Arabs (Christian and Muslim), and other minorities in Israel to lead with righteousness and wisdom based on the instructions of the God of Israel (Proverbs 21:1, Phil. 2:3)

(Click!) [Nic Lesmeister] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Hey everybody. Welcome to day three of our 10 days of praying for Israel and the Jewish people. My name is Nick Lesmeister. I’m a pastor at Gateway Church, and I’m so thankful that you’re with us today to continue to pray for Israel and the Jewish people during this 10 days of prayer from Pentecost Sunday, May 19th, until May 28th.

Today we are praying for Israel’s leaders. There’s never been a more important time to pray for the leadership in Israel. Every single day they’re making decisions that can cost many, many lives if they’re not careful, so we want to pray for them to have wisdom. I’m reminded of Proverbs 21:1 where it says this: “The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he turns it wherever he pleases. People may think they are doing what is right, but the Lord examines the heart. The Lord is more pleased when we do what is just and right than when we give him sacrifices.”

So, would you just join me in praying today for the leadership in Israel—for Prime Minister Netanyahu, for the members of his cabinet, for all the leaders, all the way down to every decision-maker in the Israel Defense Forces? We want them to be directed by the Lord in every single way so that they are thinking about his plans and not their own.

So, Lord, today we just join together, and we thank you for this time of prayer for Israel and the Jewish people. We pray for Israel’s leaders. We pray for leaders in the global Jewish community. Lord, we pray that their hearts would be like a stream of water that is directed by you. Lord, we ask that you would speak to them. We ask, Lord, that they would take time to get counsel from you, to think about what you would have them do. Lord, we pray this would be a moment where they would draw near to you and that they would get into a closer relationship with you, God, and that you would reveal yourself in your fullness. We thank you for them today. We bless Israel and the Jewish people. We bless their leaders. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen. Amen.

Praying for awakening among churches around the world regarding God’s love for and purposes for Israel (Romans 9-11, especially Romans 11:25-30)

(Click!) [Francis Chan] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Today, the prayer focus is for the church. Just that the church all around the world would really get into God’s word and understand God’s purposes for the nation of Israel. There is a special relationship that God has with this nation, and as we study His word, we’ll understand that this was not just an Old Testament thing but something that continues to this day.

In Romans chapter 11, it gives us some insight. Pray that believers would read Romans 11. For too many years, this has been neglected. I didn’t understand it, but it says in Romans 11: “Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And in this way, all Israel will be saved, as it is written, ‘The deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob, and this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins.’ As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake, but as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”

So, even though the majority of the nation rejects Jesus and, as scripture says, they’re enemies in the sense that they hate the gospel, the Bible says there’s going to come a day, there’s going to come a time when they’re going to believe. God made some promises in the Old Testament, and He says those are irrevocable. There’s still some special heart feeling that He has towards this nation, a commitment, a covenant that He made with them. So, pray that the church would grow in this and understand this and not just be focused on ourselves but on the very heart of God.

(Click!) [Nic Lesmeister] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Hey everybody, welcome back to our 10 days of praying for Israel and the Jewish people from May 19th until May 28th. Today is day four, and my name is Nick Lesmeister. I’m a pastor at Gateway Church in the Dallas Fort Worth area in Texas. Today we want to specifically pray that the church would have a heart for the Jewish people. The church, mainly predominantly Gentile, would have a heart for our Jewish brothers and sisters.

You know, many churches around the world, most churches around the world, are really unaware of God’s love for the Jewish people, and there’s a hardness that has come over the church over 2,000 years of adopting a bad theological framework called replacement theology. So we want to pray today that the Lord would break that off of every Christian leader in every church and that really the words of Paul would be echoing in the hearts of Christian leaders and people.

I think about this in Romans 11. Paul says, “Has God rejected Israel?” He says, “Of course not.” Then he goes into this beautiful picture of an olive tree and he talks about how we Gentiles were added into, we were grafted into the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that were the promises to the Jewish people. Through Jesus, we’ve been added into those promises. But Paul’s whole point is this. He says in Romans 11:17 and 18, “Do not be arrogant of the branches.” Don’t become arrogant and think you’re special because you’ve been brought in and there are other believers, people in the Jewish community, who don’t yet believe in Jesus.

So here are the verses I want to focus on. This is Romans 11:25: “I want you to understand this mystery, this mystery of the Olive Tree, dear brothers and sisters, so that you will not feel proud and start bragging.” Another translation says, “Do not be arrogant and do not be ignorant. Don’t be conceited and don’t be ignorant.”

So let’s pray today that the church would no longer be unaware or ignorant and that the church would not be arrogant towards the Jewish people who haven’t yet put their faith in Jesus. Let’s be like Paul who in Romans 9 says, “I’d be willing to lose my salvation if it meant for their deliverance.”

So Lord, we pray today for the church. We thank you, God, for calling every person around the world to walk in relationship with Jesus. We thank you that the church is the body of Jesus, Jew and Gentile, united together as one new family under your banner to reach the world and to redeem the world. We pray today that, Lord, all of the non-Jewish leadership of the church would break their heart for the Jewish people. Lord, you would soften their heart, you would make them aware. We pray that you would speak to pastors as they study the Bible, God, that they would know that you love Israel, that you love the Jewish people, Lord, and move them to get motivated and interested.

So Lord, we ask that you would purify the church. We ask for your forgiveness for the sins of the church, treating, Lord, your firstborn son, the apple of your eye, the Jewish people poorly. We pray, God, that you would put a new spirit within us and that we would discover your love for your covenantal family, the Jewish people. We thank you in Jesus’ mighty name, amen. Amen.

Pray for the church to be the voice (not to be silent) in the face of antisemitism and for the Christians to be set free from fear and intimidation to be able to stand with the Jewish people (Proverbs 24:11-12; Proverbs 28:1; Matthew 10:28; Luke 9:23-25)

(Click!) [Ed Hackett] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Hello, my name is Ed Hackett, and I’m here today to join with you intercessors from all over the world to pray for God’s plans and purposes for Israel. This is day five, and the focus is to pray for the church to have courage for Israel. In this time where anti-Semitism is arising and great pressures are coming upon not only Israel but throughout the nations, there’s a tendency to want to draw back and maybe even in fear draw back from being a witness, especially when it comes to standing with Israel.

So we want to pray today that God would give the church, men and women just like us, weak, broken, young, and old, the courage to stand. I think a lot of times we draw back because of fear, maybe fear of rejection or fear of whether it’s going to be a popular thing that we’re speaking of. Speaking of Israel right now, it’s not necessarily one of the more welcomed subjects on the planet. But God has a plan, and God wants to strengthen us. I believe that one way He gives us courage and helps us overcome fear is through love. In John 15:13, Jesus said, “There is no greater love than this: that a man would lay down his life for his friends.” That’s what Christ did for us. He laid his life down for us, and then He encourages us to go and do what He has done for us.

This is a great opportunity for the church to love the people of Israel, both Jew and Gentile, Jew and Arab, in the land. We pray that God would move powerfully in their midst and that many would be saved at this hour. But to do that, the church needs to be witnesses. We need to be bold to witness, and I believe that love, the love that we have for God and from Him, will move us to reach out beyond our comfort zones so that we can love and be witnesses and stand with God’s plans and purposes, much like the saints of old have done.

So I want to pray with you right now that God would strengthen the body of Christ all over the Earth, every tribe, tongue, and nation. Lord, we come to you together. We agree together. We agree with you, we agree with the blood of Christ, that you would raise up a bold witness, a tender witness, a clear witness, a witness that would be in alignment with your plans and your purposes for Israel. We would stand especially with our Jewish brothers in this time, that we could be a witness to them of your love, of the glorious gospel, and that we could lead many to faith in your son Yeshua.

God, we ask that you help us, send the spirit to strengthen the church, and cause us to be witnesses in this hour. We ask in Jesus’ name, amen. I want to thank you all for this opportunity to pray together, and I bless you all, bless your families, bless your nations, bless those areas where, Lord, you are working mightily through each one of these intercessors. Amen.

Prayer for the Church to be set free of anti-Jewish theology and practices. Paul wrote, “Do not be arrogant toward the natural branches (Israel, Jews) because they are the root that is supporting the Gentiles, Church.” (Romans 11:17-20)

(Click!) [David Blease] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Hey, my name is David Blease. I am the teaching pastor at the Gateway Center for Israel, and today we are gathering to pray for the church to have healthy theology regarding Israel. I know growing up in the church, I kind of felt like theology was like an opinion, like yeah, it’s good to have good opinions and right opinions, but you know, we can have different opinions. That’s especially how many Christians think about Israel, that it’s just something we can kind of weigh in on and have different opinions on, and it doesn’t really bear any kind of fruit.

The more that I’ve realized, the fruit that replacement theology bears is anti-Semitism and Jewish hatred, and at its nth degree, is the Holocaust. Many people don’t realize that Martin Luther, early in the Protestant Reformation, a German, kind of started believing this replacement theology message, which after years and years of lying dormant in the German church, we get Nazi Germany a couple of centuries later. So this is crucial, that the church would have a biblical, sincere love for Israel and the Jewish people, and that we put them in their proper place theologically, which is where God puts them, as His firstborn, the apple of His eye, His inheritance, His wife, as Isaiah says.

We need to understand who we are as Gentiles, who they are as the Jewish people, and the unity that God wants us to have. As Romans says, one new man, the olive tree, coming together in this beautiful family we’ve been adopted into. So will you join me in prayer right now for the church, the global church, to have this understanding?

So, God, we thank you so much that you have created Jew and Gentile, just like you created male and female, two distinct roles that come together in unity, and it’s a miraculous blessing. Just like male and female create one flesh, Jew and Gentile create one new man. Lord, we pray that the church would see this. We pray that the church would develop healthy, biblical, sincere love for your people based on scripture, based on what you say about them. We would not develop opinions based on what the world says. We would base opinions on what your word says, and you say that they are your special treasure. I pray the church would see them that way. In Yeshua’s name, amen.

Pray for the return of Jewish people to the Land of Israel and the restoration of the Jewish people to the Messiah of Israel, Jesus (Ezekiel 36, Romans 11:21-24)

(Click!) [Sam Arnaud] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Shalom everyone, I’m Pastor Sam Arnaud. I am a Jewish French believer in Jesus but also a pastor in Texas at Gateway Church. I’m so happy today to be able to pray with you for the community of believers, the Jewish community of believers. This is something exciting because there have been more Jewish believers in this day and age than there have ever been since the time of Jesus. We are everywhere; we are implanted in churches all over the world, being part of the body of Messiah. We welcome your blessing and your prayers.

We want to take the time today to pray for more to come into the knowledge of Jesus and to choose to follow Him. We also want to pray for the community that needs to reach out to more of our Jewish peers. If you would, please follow me in prayer, and of course, feel free to pray your own prayer after this.

Father God, we do pray for the Jewish believers in Jesus in this day and age. Lord, we thank you that you have set them to be a light to the nations. Lord, we carry your presence, but we need your help, your blessing, and your anointing to do the work that needs to be done. Lord, the burden that we carry for our Jewish brothers and sisters that have yet to come to know you, we pray that they would come into the family.

Lord, we welcome your blessing and your hand upon our community, the Messianic believers. I pray, Lord, that they would be able to shine your presence and shine everything that you are. Lord, with the Church of the Nations, together we can see your return, your kingdom come, and your will be done on this earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Pray for a spirit of conviction and repentance in Israel, for Jewish and Arab citizens to turn from their sinful ways and walk in righteousness with God and one another (John 16:7-8; Ephesian 4:32; 1 John 1:9; Mathew 3:1-2)

(Click!) [Bracha] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Good morning. This is Bracha from Jerusalem. I live in one of the oldest cities in the world, with a history of 5,000 years. During the span of this history, the city of Jerusalem has been destroyed at least two times, attacked 52 times, besieged 23 times, and recaptured 44 times. Since the time when Joshua led the tribes of Israel into the promised land and continuing throughout the Davidic monarchy, there has always been a Jewish presence in the promised land. That presence continued throughout the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman Empires. A Jewish remnant also survived the invasion of Arab Muslims, Christian Crusaders, Mamluks, and the Ottoman Turks.

The last nation to dominate the promised land was under the British mandate for a brief period of 30 years. Lord Balfour, the British foreign minister, pledged his support for the establishment of a Jewish national homeland. Then, on May 14th, 1948, Israel became an independent national homeland for the Jewish people. But since then, Israel has been drawn into nine wars and eight military conflicts, all of which were in self-defense after being attacked by the neighboring Arab countries. The ninth war is still ongoing. As you all know, it started on October 7th, 2023, while a barrage of several thousand rockets were fired into Israel. Three thousand terrorists breached the Gaza-Israeli border and attacked Israeli civilian communities. One thousand Israelis, foreign nationals, and civilians were killed, while 252 Israelis were taken hostage.

My heart is to pray for repentance and forgiveness between the Arab and Jewish Israeli people. But this broader reconciliation must start with the community of believers in Israel on an individual level because He gave us the ministry of reconciliation and has committed to us the message of reconciliation. That’s found in 2 Corinthians chapter 5. Reconciliation expresses the core of our responsibility as followers of Messiah Yeshua. It’s not simply a strategy; it’s a lifestyle. The Hebrew word for repentance is “teshuva,” and it means to return. In Matthew 3:1-2, Yohanan the Immerser, or as many of you know him, John the Baptist, proclaimed in the wilderness of Judea, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” Repentance is turning from our wicked ways and returning to God and our fellow man.

We understand that this is a process. We have to recognize where we’ve missed the mark and take responsibility for our actions. We need to confess to those that we have harmed and ask for forgiveness, and we need to stop sinning. Yeshua said, “Go and sin no more.” As a Jewish Israeli follower of Yeshua, I’m called to create a bridge of reconciliation that will connect to my Arab brothers and sisters in Messiah. Such reconciliation would be a testimony to the greater Jewish and Arab communities throughout Israel, showing that while political unity might not yet be possible, reconciliation, peace, and spiritual unity through Yeshua are possible now.

So let’s pray.

Avinu Shebashamayim, our Father in Heaven, I pray that you would grant us in Israel the gift of repentance. May the Jewish and Arab Israeli believers in Yeshua bear the fruit of repentance by turning from our sinful ways and by walking in righteousness before you and with one another. Let it be evident through us that by the Spirit of God, the Ruach HaKodesh, we are free from all bitterness, rage, anger, quarreling, slander, and malice. Instead, empower us to be kind to one another, compassionate, and to forgive each other just as you have forgiven us. As ministers of reconciliation, enable us to create a bridge of understanding between Arabs and Jews which would lead to forgiveness, healing, and restoration of peace to our nation. Amen.

Pray and prophesy a restored relationship between Jewish and Arab people as a loving relationship to these two “brothers” so that they will come together in unity to worship the God of Israel (Genesis 25:12-18; Isaiah 19)

(Click!) [Jerry Rassamni] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Shalom. There’s a heartbreaking verse in Genesis 25:18 about the descendants of Ishmael. It says, “And they lived in enmity with all their brothers.” Now I know hostility all too well. I grew up in a civil war in Lebanon. I was a Muslim militant. I’m Jerry Ramni, the author of “From Jihad to Jesus.” But one thing that I learned is that in God’s grand mosaic, every shard, no matter how jagged, finds its place. My redemption came through Yeshua HaMashiach, my Jewish Messiah.

The tales of Ishmael and Isaac teach us much more than division. They are, in fact, prophecies of unity, demonstrating that profound healing can emerge from deep wounds. They echo the power of the cross, the power of the resurrection, transforming hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Today, I stand before you transformed, carrying a promise from Isaiah 19:23-24. It speaks of a holy highway stretching from Assyria to Egypt to Israel, a path for the redeemed, marking a journey from division to divine healing. I am a testament to that prophecy, embodying a dream where enmities are healed by Messiah’s love, a love that paid the ultimate price for our unity.

At 3:33 a.m. on March 5th, 2022, the Lord awoke me to deliver a profound prophecy. He says, “I have not forgotten you, Ishmael. A radical change is coming. Where there was hatred, discord, and division, I will sow love, peace, and unity. You will no longer live at odds with your kin, but you will be peaceful as a dove, graceful as a swan, guided by the love of Yeshua.” The Lord assured, “I am giving you a new heart filled with supernatural love that will even make your Jewish brethren jealous and glorify God. You will value the fruits of the Spirit above its gifts, and your life will bear abundant fruit. As you humble yourself and repent, I will lavish you with grace upon grace, like dew, like manna from heaven. Your ministry of love and reconciliation will melt hearts and draw many unto me. The supernatural love I’m placing in your heart for Israel will bond Jacob and you inseparably, like rain to water, like knowledge to power, like sun to light. As this love touches my heart, so will it move Jacob, bringing tears to his eyes. You, Ishmael, will intercede for him with a heart full of love and with joyful and thankful tears.”

Let us remember Isaiah’s words in Isaiah 62:10, “Build up, build up the highway.” And the one seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” (Revelation 21:5). Let it be so, Lord, let it be so.

Dear Heavenly Father, we humbly seek your face and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem. In Matthew 25:1-13, we see the wisdom of the five virgins who kept their lamps filled with oil, ready for the bridegroom, unlike the foolish ones left in darkness. Lord, what will make you happy today? How can I be a living stone for your glory? Where do I need to build up? Where do I need to tear down? Father, help me bring unity where there is conflict, reconciliation where there is enmity, and love where there is hatred. Help me to step out, stand up, speak up, and do Your work. Transform me, Lord, to transform the world around me. Pour out a fresh anointing and fire of Your Holy Spirit upon me. Empower me as an agent of heaven, bringing Your shalom to the earth. Fill my lamp with the oil of Your Spirit, empowering me and preparing me for Your glorious return. Let my life testify of Your love, Your grace, and Your power, provoking others to seek, know, and love You. In Yeshua’s mighty name, amen.

Pray for the fresh mercies of God to be poured out upon the Jewish people and ultimately upon all nations (Romans 10:1; Romans 11:28-32; Ezekiel 36:24-28; Romans 11:12; Habakkuk 2:14)

(Click!) [Nic Lesmeister] Video Transcriptions (Translation will not be perfect. Thank you for your understanding!)

Hey everybody, welcome back. Today is day 10, the final day of our 10 days of prayer for Israel and the Jewish people. I want to first just say thank you. Thank you so much for joining with us to pray every day for our friends in the Jewish community both in Israel and around the world. This, I believe, has really touched God’s heart. You know, the Bible says that if you touch Israel, you touch the apple of God’s eye, and I believe we’ve been touching the most intimate part of God’s heart as we’ve been praying for the Jewish people.

Today, we want to pray for spiritual revival in Israel and amongst the Jewish community all over the world. I was talking to a friend of mine who lives in Israel, and he said that after the Iranian missile attack just about a month or so ago, the number one Google search that was happening when those missiles were in the air was prayers from the Book of Psalms. It was like every heart in Israel was awakened; we have to pray. I believe that right now is a time where many Israelis are under pressure, and there’s no hope for them, and they’re searching for God. We want to pray that they would find Him, that they would find the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and that they would see ultimately that their Messiah is Jesus, the Messiah of Israel, the King of the Nations. But we just want them to have an encounter with God. We know that if they encounter God, they’re ultimately going to probably encounter His Son, right?

I’m reminded of the words of Ezekiel. You know, he prophesied this in Ezekiel 36. It says this in Ezekiel 36:23: “I will show how holy my great name is, the name that you, Israel, dishonored among the nations. And when I reveal my holiness through you before their eyes,” says the Sovereign Lord, “the nations will know that I am the Lord.” So when Israel starts to come into a relationship with the Lord, there will be a spiritual revival around the world amongst the nations. We’re praying for that, for it says this in verse 24: “For I will gather you up from all the nations and bring you home again to your land.” We’ve seen that happen. God has gathered the Jewish people and brought them back to the land of Israel, and now they’re living in this tension where the enemies of God are trying to destroy them. Why is the enemy of God trying to destroy what God has done in regathering them? Here’s why right here, verse 25: “Then I, God, will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols.” Verse 26: “And I will give you a new heart with new and right desires, and I will put a new spirit in you. I’ll put my Spirit in you so you will obey my laws and do whatever I command.”

Let’s say yes and amen to this scripture. Let’s pray that God would do that now. He’s regathered the Jewish people; let’s pray for a pouring out of His Spirit on them as they’re searching, a pouring out of deliverance for them as they’re being attacked on every side. Would you pray with me?

Lord, we just say yes, yes, yes to this scripture, and we pray, God, that every heart in Israel would come to know you intimately. God, that, Lord, you’ve gathered them back, and that you would pour your Spirit out on them, that there would be no more hopelessness in Israel, but they would find hope in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They would find hope in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Yeshua, Jesus, the one who delivers us from every enemy. And so we bless the Jewish people today and pray for a spiritual revival. As we end this 10 days of prayer, we’re asking God for a mighty miracle to blow the wind of your Holy Spirit on Israel and the Jewish people and on the Arabs even living in the land, the Palestinians living in the land. Let a wave of revival through your Holy Spirit pour out over every single person. And we give you this 10 days of prayer, believing by faith that you are moving among Israel and the Jewish people all over the world for the sake of Israel and the sake of the nations. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.